Martha 14x14x18 Square Wicker Smart Self-Watering Planter in Sandy Brown V1901

Martha 14x14x18 Square Wicker Smart Self-Watering Planter in Sandy Brown

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Martha 14x14x18 Smart Self-Watering Sandy Wicker Planter helps you to feel worry-free when busy working. Just need to refill the reservoir weeks instead of days, you can go on vacation or take a trip out-of-town and come back home to vibrant, alive plants. Well-equipped with a smart water level indicator, you know when and how much to water your plants.

Each irrigation can provide enough water for 10-30 days. The osmotic mechanism helps to control the water supplied, nourish plants, and providing plenty of root zone oxygen. Your plants will receive the exact amount of water they need for optimal growth thanks to the movement of level indicator (Min: no water in reservoir, Max: water full).

This planter also naturally fits into various indoor and outdoor decor styles and easily matches with colorful flowers to create a cute vintage look. Especially, the product is made from durable resin plastic wicker and featured with drainage hole which is great for outdoor use.




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